Starting Campus Ministry

Hi everyone, I’m so excited to get to begin to share my experiences as a campus minister with you! It feels like I’m taking my first steps into a new world and finding that God has been preparing me to learn and grow in new ways. I want to thank all of you who are supporting me financially or praying for me. I couldn’t do any of this without your generous support and you have all been so encouraging and loving as I begin my work. Getting to partner with all of you is a huge privilege!

My fellow apprentice ministers and I on the night of our ordination ceremony

A few weeks ago, the ministry held an ordination ceremony for all the new staff members. In this ceremony two students representing the ministry describe our calling and a vow is extracted from the staff members that we will fulfill our duties to the students. We make promises that even when we don’t feel like it, we will preach Christ and him crucified. When students ask us to tell them what they want to hear, we have already promised them that we won’t give in to their demands. This was really sobering but helpful to reflect on as a minister.

Hanging out with some Collin college students at the zoo

One of my favorite parts of ministry is the students I get to spend time with. I went to the zoo with a group of the students I will be ministering to and I was just so encouraged by the questions they asked me and efforts they made to make me feel welcomed and part of the group. I can’t wait to grow deeper in friendship with them throughout the year.

My staff team at our Collin college staff retreat

One of the first things I did on starting with FOCUS was a staff retreat so that we as staff at could get to know each other better. We got to share our stories and be open and vulnerable with each other in really helpful ways. One thing God was teaching me there was that this team is my family and that I am free to have conflict with and love these people as we serve together, and they care more about me than what they can get out of me. This was helpful to me in thinking about the way God sees us. He too cares more about us than what he can get out of us and wants to spend time with us because he enjoys it. I can’t wait to work alongside these amazing people.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for me and my fellow apprentice ministers as we take classes and read scripture, that we would be attentive and learn what God wants to teach us.
  • Pray for the student leaders at Collin, that God would help them to love others and to be super welcoming to new students.
  • Pray for the new students coming on campus for classes, that they would be open to how God wants to work in their lives.


  1. Hey Mark- So glad you have had a chance to bond with your other staff members. I am encouraged at your deep desire to serve our Lord. Keep it up. Caroline and I will be praying for you. I look back on our Sunday school discussions with even more fondness now that I see where it has brought you.

    In Christ's love and eternal grip

  2. Mark,

    Words can not express how proud we are of you. We are looking forward to see what God has planned for you this year. We love you,
    Mom and Dad

  3. Mark,

    You are doing a wonderful job on this blog. You are so inspiring and set such a great example for all of us. Love you and am proud that I got to see you grow up into such a devout man.
    Annette Sheffer

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You are one of the most hospitable people I've ever met in life. You are kind, compassionate, true to yourself, and veeeeeeery patient. You are also intelligent! You amaze me! And also your love for paste amazes me! ;-)

    I am so glad to see you having taken that extra-step this year! :-) All the best, Markety Mark! :-) May God go with you! :-)

  6. Thanks mark. I really enjoy you updates. I have you all in my prayers.


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